Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Random Thoughts...

I am really tired. Not like mariposa and loud tired, just very...tired. I can't even think of words right now, which kind of sucks since I am trying to write a post! So what has been going on? I have been doing a study at Pennington that lasts 2 years for which I have lost 7 pounds and will earn $6000 over the course of the 2 year period. The study is $5000 and then I am doing a smaller study where I just have to do more medical tests and get another $1000. I have to eat a restricted calorie diet, which hasn't been too bad so far. I have not been starving, my main problem is boredom eating. I have been doing it for a month so I will let you know in about 6 months how I am doing. It takes much planning and fortitude. I have been eating their food for a month and then I start on my own on Monday. I usually get hungry at night, so I have to go to bed so I won't eat anything!

Tonight we are going trick-or-treating at Rae-Rae's work so that should be fun. C is Princess Aurora and E is Minnie Mouse. I just told them about it last night (which means I told C b/c E did not know what I was talking about or did not care!) If I would have told them any earlier, C would asked me for days and gotten mad when we did not go immediately! I am glad the 3-year old year is winding down. Hopefully 4 is a bit more calming!

C is very excited about her upcoming birthday and party, although she told me the other day "Mom, it's taking a long time for my party to get here!" I can't believe she is almost 4! It is so hard to believe that it was just 4 years ago that she was still in my belly. When I told her that she had a typical 4 year old response, "Did you swallow me?!!!" She has already got the eye rolling and the "Uh, MOOOOOOMMMMM!" down REAL good! I thought I had at least 4 more years before that started!

So, I never thought I would say this but I really like Britney's new song but won't buy the record b/c she is SUCH a train wreck! She is totally someone who needs to lose all of her money b/c she is just wasting it and irrevocably damaging her children in the process!

Anyway, told you they were random thoughts. I am still not awake and it is 9:35am! I will try and post some pics of the girls in their costumes tonight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tired is perception - you have two kids -nuff said! Glad to see you blogging again! Good job and good luck on the eating!!! Snacking kills me...