Thursday, June 28, 2007

You know your parenting skills need to be refined when...

Your child looks at someone's picture online and asks, "Mommy is that T.C.?" Yes as in from Magnum! Ok, so I have been obsessed with Magnum for about a year now and am on season 5. I have NO IDEA why I watch it so much because they are kind of cheesy but I so want to buy them! I know, I am a dork. and the fact that my 3 year old knows who T.C. is is a bit frightening! I swear, that is really the only tv I just happens to be on DVD where I can watch 4-5 episodes in a row. It got to a point once that every time C saw the little icon for Universal pictures with the music (you know the little short they play before every movie advertising the movie studio?) she would look at me and say, "Mom, are we watching Magum?" (No misspelling, she calls it Magum). Ah kids! Hopefully, her watching of Magnum will not turn her into some crazy psychopathic criminal when she grows up!


Anonymous said...

Magnum P.I.????

mamaof3girls said...

Yes! You got a problem with that!:) And like every other thing I try and watch on tv, I don't really get to watch b/c I am interrupted 80 times!