Friday, September 15, 2006

Lazy Day...

Not much going on today. We've had classes in the library so not much to do. I am just exhausted! Doing so much, I welcome the break of an away game...GEAUX TIGERS!!!! Auburn is going down!

We are attempting to enter the world of potty training and so far C is resisting it at every turn! She is refusing to sit on the potty while at school. I am hoping after a week or two without diapers she will realize she is not getting a diaper. She has been requesting them all week! Help!

OK, will try to do some work...


lgray said...

Email me when you get a chance and fill me in on your job!

Anonymous said...

You are doing a great job. Keep up the potty training, especially with it getting cold, she won't want a wet cold hiney. It takes patience and loosing your mind a few times, but one day it will click - YOU ARE DOING GREAT!!! Just keep the HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY side of it all. And tell her when ever you have to go - that always helps too.