Sunday, October 05, 2008

Y'all are Going to Begin to get Sick of this...

Ok, I know! I need to stop puting these up, but I was laughing so hard while I was watching it I started crying! It is hilarious!!! And so spot on with how each of the canidates actually did. The fact that neither of them would actually answer the questions; the responses at times were so off the wall! You HAVE to watch the whole thing, even if you didn't watch the debate (I only watched parts) or even if you don't know a lot about the race! Hilarious!!Queen Latifah was so hilarious as the moderator! The looks she gives them sometimes! Classic!


Mouse said...

AWESOME!! I didn't get to watch it last night, I love me some TINA FEY!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay that was funny- I hadn't had a chance to see it yet... too funny!